Max capacity 30 bedsDouble roomTriple roomApartmentAir conditioningTV at roomShower on roomA towel in the roomBath on roomWC on roomDepositoryKitchenetteParking restaurantrestaurantGarden RestaurantBreakfastHalf boardFull boardGrillMassageTensionsSaunaBarBicycle storageKonference spacesFather playWhite allowedWifiPayment cardsCharging electric carsTalk EnglishTalk PolishHotel transportLet transferBusSelf-service check-inPay TVWired Internet connection11 rooms
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Accommodation Ostrava - pension Silma - contact


Pension, wellness and hall rental
Phone: +420 724 290 819
Adress: Úvozní 5, 735 32 Rychvald
Restaurant / Club
Phone: +420 775 893 973
Adress: Úvozní 5, 735 32 Rychvald

Billing information

Pension, wellness and hall rental
Provider: Pavel KOPČAJ - SILMA ’90
Adress: Frýdecká 13a/489, 736 01 Havířov – Bludovice
Company ID: 47970383
Tax ID: CZ7105115204
Bank account No.: 341788/0300
IBAN: CZ61 0300 0000 0000 0034 1788
Restaurant / Club
Provider: Břetislav Hečko
Adress: Kulturní 1945, 735 41 Petřvald
Company ID: 64591662
Tax ID: CZ6003290260
Bank account No.: 6003823309/0800

Traffic availabilty:

The nearest bus stop Rychvald, Skříšovský is about 200 m away and there is a timetable. From the direction of Ostrava, this stop is a sign or on request (it is necessary to press the bell in the bus).

Availability of transport hubs in Ostrava:

train - Ostrava, hl.n. 14 min. 12 min.
bus - Ostrava, ÚAN 23 min. 16 min.

We provide airport transfer, import / transfer to a guesthouse from / to the station, etc.

Hotel transportation
You can order hotel transport by calling +420 774 865 142.
Prices negotiable.

GPS: N 49°52'07.371", E 18°21'44.605"


  • Internet 100/10 Mb/s 21.10.2021

    Dear guests, we now have an accelerated 100/10 Mbs internet on our guesthouse, which will also make your stay or visit with us on Silma more pleasant. We look forward to seeing you!?

  • Self-service accommodation 21.10.2021

    Self-service accommodation is available for clients arriving later in the night. The condition is to book a room online on our website and pay it through the payment gate. Subsequently, the client will receive a SMS message with the box number and PIN for the room keys.

  • Wedding information 21.10.2021

    Dear brides, grooms and celebrants, if you have arranged a wedding / celebration for us at Silma for the year 2021 or the next 2022, then please contact us at with the given telephone contact. We will be happy to contact you and resolve the details necessary for the implementation of this event. Thank you and we look forward to working with you :-) Team Pension Silma

Penzion Silma v Rychvaldě hodnocení